Todas as nossas fitas para prender chuchas são:
♥ SIMPLES: De um lado ela prende a chucha através de uma simples mola KAM, do outro lado, a mola de metal prende-se à roupa do bebé ou a qualquer coisa que queira.
♥ FUNCIONAIS: As fitas de chucha são a forma perfeita para evitar que as chuchas caiam ou se percam!
♥ SEGURAS: Livre de chumbo e níquel e, na grande maioria, em tecidos 100% algodão.
♥ FÁCEIS DE USAR: A fita de chucha tem uma mola de metal (com dentes de plástico para não marcar a roupa) que basta prender à roupa, cobertores, carrinho de bebé, fraldas, etc. É uma óptima maneira de manter sempre por perto a chucha do seu filho(a)/neto(a)/sobrinho(a)...
♥ FÁCEIS DE LIMPAR: Lavável na máquina a 30 graus. Não secar na máquina de secar.
Nós projectamos todas as fitas para que elas sejam duradouras e laváveis à máquina.
All our pacifier clips are:
♥ SIMPLE: On the one hand it holds the pacifier through a simple clip, the other, the clip attaches to baby clothing or anything you want.
♥ FUNCTIONAL: Pacifier clips are the perfect way to prevent those dropped or lost pacifiers!
♥ SAFE: LEAD FREE, NICKLE FREE and 100% cotton fabrics.
♥ EASY TO USE: The pacifier clip has a metal clip (plastic teeth so it will not snag clothing) to attach to child's clothing, blankets, strollers etc. It's a great way to keep track of your little tots pacifier.
♥ EASY TO CLEAN: Machine washable at 30 degrees. Air dry only. Cool iron.
We've designed them to be long lasting and machine washable.
♥ FUNCTIONAL: Pacifier clips are the perfect way to prevent those dropped or lost pacifiers!
♥ SAFE: LEAD FREE, NICKLE FREE and 100% cotton fabrics.
♥ EASY TO USE: The pacifier clip has a metal clip (plastic teeth so it will not snag clothing) to attach to child's clothing, blankets, strollers etc. It's a great way to keep track of your little tots pacifier.
♥ EASY TO CLEAN: Machine washable at 30 degrees. Air dry only. Cool iron.
We've designed them to be long lasting and machine washable.